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About the Author.

James McMillen was born in Brookville, PA in 1965, the youngest of three children. Being from a small town in rural Pennsylvania he was raised with good morals and small town values. He was always creative, with a vivid imagination. At thirteen he found small town life boring and started experimenting with drugs and alcohol. By the time he graduated from high school, at the top of his class, he was drinking alcoholically and using almost daily. Having a diploma in Electronics Technology did little for employment in his small community and he took a job in a local lumber mill. He worked there for four years, learning common sense and work ethics from men who, for the most part, had little or no education. He started suffering consequences from his active addiction and alcoholism but managed to function until, in 1987 he was severely injured in a motorcycle accident. His disease progressed rapidly and in 1989 he was incarcerated and only saw freedom for 6 months until 1995. While incarcerated he furthered his education, learned to play the guitar and lift weights. Upon release he reentered the work force as a maintenance man and then worked for a large construction firm. He was diagnosed with macular degeneration and was forced to go on disability in 1998 as legally blind. This devastated him and accelerated his alcoholism until he found AA in 2000. After a few false starts, he was able to work a program of recovery that led to a period of almost seven years as a productive member of society. He learned how to work despite vision problems and pursued his songwriting career while finding work as an electrician, plumber and carpenter. After starting to drink again in 2007, he lost all of this and slipped into the dangerous meth underground. He spent the next 6 years using, selling and manufacturing methamphetamine. He was incarcerated in 2011 and again in 2013 on meth related charges. In 2013 he worked a program of recovery while incarcerated and wrote the book, “Mechanix of Meth”. He made parole in May of 2014 and went to a recovery half way house in Greenville, SC, where he was reintroduced to programs that had worked for him in the past. While there he polished up his manuscript. He moved to Simpsonville, SC after completing the 90 day program at the Turning Point of Greenville, SC. There he published his book with and started a website called Mechanix of Meth at This website is dedicated to helping people addicted to meth and the manufacturing of this extremely addictive drug. He is currently trying to carry his message of hope to those afflicted in his personal battle in the war against meth.

Mechanix of Meth

James W. McMillen





The year is 2013. The place is Laurens County Detention Center. The reason; Manufacture of Methamphetamine. Over one hundred people have come through this facility since January first. The current date is March 14, 2013.

Every person in the “A Pod”, the largest general population unit in LCDC, knows about “Shake N Bake”. The newest and possibly the most dangerous method for producing meth out of common, everyday household materials.

Laurens County; aka the self-proclaimed “Meth Capital of the World”, is said to have one of the largest percentile, per capita, of cooks in the nation. They say one in every four houses are cooking dope.

This problem is not limited to South Carolina in particular, or the Southeast in general. It is a nationwide epidemic that is producing meth at an alarming rate.

The newest method of “Quick Shake” or “Shake N Bake” has produced an explosion of new meth manufacturers. Most of these backyard chemists have no education in chemistry or training in the handling of hazardous materials. Yet every day thousands of these untrained professionals are combining chemicals and creating hazardous waste that law enforcement officers’ fear coming in contact with. For good reason.

Federal restrictions on the products containing pseudoephedrine, putting other materials behind counters, and meth task forces are doing little to slow the problem. It is like a chemical fire spreading across our nation, charring and disfiguring this great country just like the exploding bottles are doing to our shade tree chemists known as the “dope cook”.

People are catching on fire and blowing themselves and innocent bystanders up constantly. Some are riding around in vehicles with bottles in their hands.

The vehicle next to you on I 385 or I 85, two major thoroughfares that intersect the meth capital, could be a “mobile meth lab”. At any given moment, any number of situations could occur in that car. Some of these could produce a spark, a flash and an explosion, turning the interior of the vehicle into an inferno. This seventy mile per hour fireball could careen into you, killing everyone in a horrendous explosion. This could occur in a matter of seconds.

The teenage girl that babysits for you may have acquired a meth habit. She may invite a shake n baker over to your house the next time you’re gone. Using the same ingredients that were used in the Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing, he may be shaking a bottle in the same room your children are sleeping in. Then he will create gas that is so corrosive it destroys metal in a matter of months. These fumes could be being inhaled by your sleeping children.

At this moment a meth cook could be sliding a hypodermic needle into your daughters arm. Effectively introducing her to the evil world of meth and the living hell of IV drug addiction.

Right now someone could be teaching your son how to peel the metal housing from a battery to extract the lithium strip from inside. This strip will be used to charge a bottle to shake meth out of.

Is your neighbor disposing of hazardous waste in the shed in your backyard to avoid detection on his property?

Can you escape? You could load your family up into your car and hopefully avoid any of the aforementioned highway hazards. You could drive until exhaustion forces you to stop for the night. As you settle into your hotel room to watch TV, is moisture getting into the bottle next door? Is it igniting the lithium, causing an explosion powerful enough to blow the cook through the thin hotel wall into your room?

I’m sorry to alarm you but I want everyone in this nation to understand how serious this situation is.

The purpose of this book is not to frighten you with stories of meth cooks that have gone bad. It is instead a volume to be used to help stop the cancerous plague that is choking our nation.

It is the culmination of experiences from a group of people who have been relieved of the merciless obsession to manufacture methamphetamine. They have found a way to effectively put their addiction into remission.

We feel this is the only way to stop this disease. By giving the afflicted a choice in whether they create meth or not.

Regulations, tip lines, arrests and stiffer sentences are not the answer. We need to get to the heart of the matter.

That’s what this book is about. If you have never experienced the wonder of watching it snow in a mason jar, we can’t help you. If you have never felt the adrenaline rush as you crack the cap on a cook bottle, watching the fluid erupt in an explosion of bubbles racing to the top trying to escape the confines of its plastic prison, this book will not change your life.

If on the other hand you too have lost the power of choice in whether or not you use or manufacture meth, this book was written for you.

If you fall into the former group, this book may educate you. It may help you to understand the compulsion so difficult to comprehend by those not afflicted.

If you fall into the latter, let me be the first to say, “Welcome to Manufacturers Anonymous”. Please stick around until the miracle happens. Let me implore of you. Give us 90 days, if after that, you don’t notice a change for the better, your misery will be gladly refunded.

Please keep an open mind while reading this book. Some portions of the book may not apply to you. Please focus on the ones that do. Notice the similarities, rather than the differences.

This book contains the program of recovery. The program is different than the fellowship of Manufacturers Anonymous. We believe both are necessary for recovery.

I have tried to lay down the language of the gutter while writing this book. In some instances I have left the wording intact as it was revealed to me for emphasis. Please forgive me if any of my words offend you. They are not meant to. To those of us dying of untreated addiction to meth and the creation of it, the words may strike a nerve, turning our lives around.

Peace and love be with you and I hope to meet some of you on the path of this spiritual journey.


What people are saying...

WoW! An amazingly raw, honest account of the madness of manufacturing methamphetamine, spiraling into deep, dark despair and the hope of recovery with ManA! This very well written true account provides hope to those who suffer from this horrific disease, those who do not with a better understanding of the disease process and a recovery program that WORKS!!! The only criticism that I can provide is misuse of the words then and than throughout and only because it is one of my biggest pet peeves hehe! From DMB!


Becky Brookville, PA


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